1. What is the difference between an astrology reading and a tarot or another kind of reading?

    Astrology offers us insight into your entire life. While other readings can provide answers, astrological readings stand out in their ability to provide specific details, clear timelines, and to see the entirety of the client’s life. Whether you have a question about love, or career or anything else, astrology uncovers the hidden dynamics behind those topics and provides clear insight. You can read more here.

  2. When can I expect my natal horoscope consultation or reading?

    Our booking page will take you to a calendar where you can schedule a date. This is a confirmed estimate of when you will receive your report. They are usually sent throughout the day via email and you can expect to receive it on the day selected. On occasion we may send out readings earlier, or if there is a delay you will be informed. Due to high demand we are booked in advanced and there is a wait of a couple weeks, however we strive to provide a quick turn around for clients.

  3. What can I expect from my consultation?

    My expertise is in traditional astrology and magic can so our approach is practical and results-oriented. The report will provide detailed insight in to your life and the areas of concern with lucid explanation of what is going on and why. Each consultation will include a break down of the individual horoscope, pinpointing areas of strength for you to take advantage of, clear ritual advice and personalized magical guidance on how to manifest your desires based on the right timing, methods, and techniques uncovered in your birth chart.

  4. What is the difference between a Geomancy Reading and a Natal/Birth chart reading?

    Both readings will provide in-depth insight into the trajectory and forces at work in your life and both will provide clear instructions on how to use those insights to manifest your desires. A natal reading however is more in-depth and focuses on the entire life of the individual. A geomantic reading focuses on the year, where as the natal reading will put the upcoming year into context of your entire life.

  5. What do I need for a Natal horoscope reading?

    I will need your exact birth details which should include birth day, specific time, and location. You can find this out by asking a parent or older family member, checking your birth certificate, or the family records. If your birth certificate does not have specific time, you can request a long-form birth certificate, or check with your hospital of birth.

    Not all countries and states record exact time of birth, so this may take a bit of investigating. If you cannot locate the specific time, you might consider a horary reading which can provide clear yes/no answers to questions regardless of birth chart.

  6. What is the difference between a horary reading, geomancy reading, or a solar return?
    Each of these are different methods but all can provide answers. Geomancy is good for examining the year ahead. Solar return readings also provide the year ahead, but provide far more specific predictions and exact timing. Horary readings are ideal for yes/no questions.

  7. I’m still confused as to what reading is ideal for me
    If you don’t know what reading to pick, email me and I can help guide you to what would be right for your situation.

    Please know it can sometimes take up to 4-5 days for responses, but will strive for 48 hours.

